Research shows that 4 out of 5 businesses fail within the first 3 years. Even worse… 57% of business start-ups fail in the first 12 months!
It has also been found time and time again that businesses that plan and seek professional advice from the outset have a significantly greater chance of being very successful.

dawnThe EasyStart programme by Dawn McLaughlin is designed to help your business overcome the hurdles that trip up 80% of new businesses, and to help it become highly successful.

Click to read more about EasyStart here

Dawn has built up a successful practice in Springtown, specialising in business development, with particular emphasis on; new starts, women in business & solutions for owner managed companies. She has a vast network of business contacts which is put to good use for her clients.

Dawn leads by example and loves to encourage, uplift & inspire others to be the best they can be. She listens well & focuses on other’s needs. She gives her clients & peers, time, attention, counsel, education & empathy. Dawn strives to provide value & service worth more than any compensation.

Her passion is to help people grow their business, overcome their obstacles, prosper.

Specialist Areas:

Business development services > traditional accounting & taxation > virtual financial controller > systems installation & training > room hire     

Tel: 02871370886
Mob: 07411983541