Date: Monday, 2nd March 2020 – Location: Millenium Forum, Derry

Speaker #1:          Camilla Meegan, Smartphone Video Trainer, Póca Productions

Session:                  1 hour

Event title:           “Introduction to Smartphone Video Production with Póca Productions”

Description:        Due to advances in smartphone camera technology and editing apps, it is now possible to produce impressive video content on your smartphone with the aid of minimal inexpensive equipment. You can film, edit and upload professional looking video content in one seamless workflow all from the comfort of your own phone.

This is excellent news for businesses who know that one of the best ways to reach and engage your target market is through regular video content on social media. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and LinkedIn all know the value of video in attracting attention and communicating a message effectively and efficiently. Social media posts that include video content gain more traction than text or photo-based posts because people are more likely to engage with video and social media platforms promote this type of content.                 

In this brief introduction to the world of smartphone video production, Camilla will show examples of what is achievable on a smartphone; demonstrate how to optimize the video camera settings on your smartphone; demonstrate some of the latest equipment which will enhance your smartphone filming and give a brief demonstration of how to use your smartphone to edit video content.


About Camilla Meegan:

Having spent recent years developing a successful video production business with her partner in Donegal, Camilla recently decided to take a break from her career as an adult education trainer with Donegal ETB to set up Póca Productions which would combine both her passions: video production and teaching. The Póca Productions Smartphone Video Training workshops have adopted the same learner centered style that has been Camilla’s hallmark throughout her teaching career. The groups are limited to small numbers of 6-8 participants and are co-facilitated by Kieran Kelly of DNK Media Productions to ensure maximum individual support. Both facilitators are skilled trainers who provide a relaxed and enjoyable learning environment where participants gain hands-on experience with the latest smartphone filming equipment and have ample opportunity to practice their filming and editing skills with patient guidance from approachable trainers. For more information on upcoming Smartphone Video Training courses, email camilla@pocaproductions.ie. Follow @pocaproductions on FB and Twitter. Instagram @camillameegan.


Speaker #2:          Marie Shields, Owner, Moss Marketing

Session:                  90 minutes

Event title:           “How to Push Out Content Online EffectivelyMaking Content Marketing Meaningful and Measurable with Moss Marketing”



Marie’s workshop will explore the content that is trending and performing on social media, and present it in an actionable and practical way – empowering people to share their messaging through social media, and create content that inspires action. If you’ve ever wondered what type of content is right for your business, and how and where to post it – or, how to check that it’s making a difference to your business – then you’ll enjoy this comprehensive guide to content marketing that will focus predominantly on video marketing for social media.

The workshop will –

  • Teach you the basics and beyond, as to how you can distribute your videos online.
  • Give you an overview on how to upload video to social media and get it noticed online by the right audiences.
  • Emphasize the benefits of using video on social media through case studies and data.
  • Give you tips on how to get your video to stand out in a sea of social content.
  • And, give you an overview of targeted paid advertising to further promote your video.


About Marie Shields:

Marie Shields is a digital marketing and consumer PR specialist based in Donegal, with global experience in creating targeted and meaningful marketing campaigns that reach and resonate with the right audiences. Promoting good people, places and brands is Marie’s passion, and her background in marketing, ecommerce and PR for over eight years has seen Moss Marketing grow customer bases through strategic social media ad targeting in tandem with exposure on outlets ranging from BBC, Vogue, The Guardian and the Sunday Business Post to Nationwide, Upworthy, Image Magazine and Ireland AM.

Creating brand awareness and online marketing in a collaborative, results driven and positive ways is an exciting part of Marie’s daily work. Innovative, dynamic and emerging content-marketing tactics such a video, and how to leverage this to promote messages, sell products and attract leads are a key part of Marie’s services, workshops and training.

Marie carries out specific digital marketing services, consultations and training as well as PR mentorship – and can be found on www.mossmarketing.ie and marie@mossmarketing.ie ; https://www.instagram.com/mossmarketing/; twitter.com/mtotheshields


Speaker #3:          Sally Murphy Murphy Communications 

Session:                  60 minutes

Event title:           “The Murphy Method” How to use story as a tool for innovation & growth”

A business consultant, coach and storyteller. Sally Murphy is the founder of Murphy Communications, a full-service, communications agency, the creator of ‘The Murphy Method’ storytelling framework and co-creator of ‘Re-Stór’, a one day business retreat. Sally specialises in training, mentorship and communication services. She is a certified QTT coach, NLP Practitioner and a member of the Business Mentoring and Visitor Experience Development Services Panels for Fáilte Ireland. In 2017 she won the Northern Ireland Creative Industry Skills Award for her work in Void Gallery, Derry. She works with clients all over the world – from small businesses, to larger organisations with a client list that includes Google, Donegal / Cavan / Sligo County Council and Trinity College, Dublin. She has also been an invited guest speaker and workshop facilitator at international and national events.

The Murphy Method How to use story as a tool for innovation and growth. The Murphy Method is a workshop / talk specifically created to inspire business owners who wish to refresh their message as well as budding entrepreneurs at the ideas stage. In this hyper-information age, with disruption across industries and distractions at every touch-point, authentic storytelling is what makes businesses stand out. The Murphy Method is a framework that any business, of any size can apply to their communication strategy. During this interactive session, ​Sally will demonstrate the power of story as a key resource for businesses competing for growth in today’s hectic digital landscape. Using case-studies and sharing easy to implement steps, participants will discover how they can use storytelling – both internally as a tool for innovation, goal-setting, creative thinking, and strengthening culture – and externally, in reaching customers and increasing sales in a busy marketplace.

T​his session will help participants to:
● Gain clarity so you can truthfully connect with more customers ● Describe what you do in a way that makes sense a​nd​ stands out ● Build a blueprint for successful (strategic) communication


Speaker #4:          Laura Gallagher, Shopify Expert, Beonline

Session:                  90 minutes

Event title:           “Shopify Masterclass – How to Make Money On Demand”



Using this business model, can you really make money online without ever having to buy stock upfront, hold inventory, or even go to the post office? YES! Some call it the laptop lifestyle. Are you bored of your 9-5? In this session, Shopify Expert Laura Gallagher will show you a five- simple-step process on how to: 1) Set up your own Shopify Store, 2) How to find Products to sell, 3) How to find your customers, 4) How to fulfil your orders, and 5) How to build a brand.


About Laura Gallagher:

Laura Gallagher is an Ecommerce Consultant and Shopify Expert who works online from her base in Gweedore, Co. Donegal building her online business interest. She manages Shopify stores for clients all over the world. She has recently sold one of her own stores while continuing to build on various online revenue streams. Laura launched www.beonline.ie last year in order to help struggling businesses get online. For more information, contact Laura directly at: laura@beonline.ie , https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-gallagher-3b77a7100/,



Date: Friday, 6th March 2020 – Location: Fir Tree Hotel, Strabane  

Speaker #1           Dr. Clare Ryan, CEO, ITUS Secure Technologies Ltd.

Session:                  1 hour

Event Title:          Cybersecurity 2020 – Essential Defence For Your Business



  • 70% of all cyber-attacks or breaches occurred in SMEs in 2019
  • 2 of 3 SMEs who suffer a cyber incident stopped trading with 6 months

Specifically tailored for small businesses, this session provides practical solutions on Cyber Security, helping business owners protect their data as well as learning how to deal with cyber incidents. Promising a ‘jargon-free’ approach, this session will use a series of case studies to demonstrate how even the simplest of measures can increase your security.

Why you should attend:

Cybersecurity is vital for an organisation to survive, 2020 will bring an ever-increasing number of threats to your business. This awareness training will give business owners and managers a high-level overview of the current cyber threat landscape and will provide best-practice recommendations towards safeguarding your business against cyber-attacks.

Content includes:

  • Cybersecurity- the basics
  • Types of cyberattacks including phishing/social engineering
  • Elements involved in a typical cybercrime breach
  • Consequences of cybercrimes
  • Real life impacts of cybercrimes with case studies
  • Cybersecurity best practices and tips for employers and employees
  • Incident Response Planning


About Dr Clare Ryan:

Dr Clare Ryan is CEO of ITUS Secure Technologies which provides hassle-free cyber security solutions for the legal and financial sectors. Clare holds a PhD from Ulster University and a MA in Governance, Compliance and Data Protection. She has extensive experience in information governance and is passionate about simplifying complex processes. When not at a computer, she can be found pottering around her allotment. For more information: www.itus-tech.com


Speaker #2:          Emma Boylan, Owner, Outside the Box Business Marketing & Psychology

Session:                  1 hour

Event title:           Instagram Workshop: From Your Feed to Your Stories – How to Stand Out”

       This training will help you discover how to use Instagram so you can attract your ideal client by standing out

  • Feed Vs. Stories ; What’s the difference and how to use each
  • What to post
  • How your profile should look
  • How to make your Instagram look good and stand out
  • How to write posts and stories that that speak to your ideal client
  • Hashtags ; Why and How to Use them
  • How to grab attention
  • Content plan moving forward

Emma’s secret tips to standing out and getting more followers

Who is this training for?

  • Business owners
  • Bloggers
  • Those trying to build a personal brand
  • Those who want to understand how to use their Instagram to get more clients, stand out and make money from their online presence.

About Emma Boylan:
Emma helps small business owners, who struggle with marketing, fill their business with ideal clients and find a faster path to way more money by Standing out and NOT sounding the same as every other business. So they have massive breakthroughs in their profit and attract their ideal clients again and again.

Emma left her 9 to 5 job 6 years ago to fulfill her dream of starting her own business; when she saw that most marketing was all the same and that businesses were really struggling to attract the right clients and have a message that made them different. Using her passion for creative content and background in psychology, Emma has helped 100’s of businesses get crystal clear on their message, so they stand out get noticed and fill their businesses with clients in record time!

For more information: www.outsidetheboxcommunications.com,www.facebook.com/outsidetheboxireland,

https://instagram.com/outside_the_box_emmaboylan/and https://ie.linkedin.com/in/emmaboylan


Speaker #3:          Patricia Greene, Founder, The Web Club

Session:                  1 hour

Event Title:          “The New SEO & Strategies to Improve Your Business”



SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is about getting traffic (customers) to your website. It can be confusing and complicated and most local businesses are not using it to their advantage. But with 3.5 billion searches on Google every day it’s a marketing strategy not to be ignored. Patricia Greene will provide simple strategies to understand SEO and use it to significantly improve your business.


About Patricia Greene:

With over 20-years’ experience in the Web Design business, Patricia Greene has a very clear understanding of the struggles which business owners face daily to get new customers online. Patricia is a digital marketing mentor across several business programmes, both paid & voluntary and was chair of local business network Women in Enterprise for over 3 years.

She created ‘The Web Club to provide advice, support and encouragement for women struggling to get enquiries, sales or leads from their website and her work with them has proven to bring a transformation in their business. For more information: www.thewebclub.ie; or contact Patricia directly at: patricia@thewebclub.ie